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Client Focused. Results Driven.

Let our experts help you reach your financial goals.

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Welcome to the Agentus Group and Manulife Wealth Inc.

Feel safe knowing your future is in good hands

It only takes a little commitment and discipline to grow your wealth. To ensure your family’s security and your own. To worry less, and enjoy more. We can help you achieve your dreams, and the ones you didn’t even know you had. Are you ready to set your future in motion? We are.

Trusted Experience

We collaborate closely with you to concentrate on your unique requirements, dedicating ourselves to guiding you as you propel your future forward.

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Building Wealth

We offer a tailored selection of stocks, bonds, group RRSPs, pension plans, mutual funds, and unique investment products. Together, we'll craft the ideal plan for your financial goals.

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Committed to Community

 We take pride in being based in Tillsonburg, dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions to our clients. It's a privilege to work in the town of our upbringing and to contribute to the community we hold dear.

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“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

— Benjamin Franklin

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